Dear Alice | Accent Pieces

This week’s episode is about accent pieces! We’re obsessed with accent pieces because they can be the finishing touch to make a house feel like a home. This week’s episode can be found on Apple Podcast, Spotify, or Google Podcast.

Accent pieces are the things that tells your story and has an opinion; it contradicts the ordinary. If you’re hunting for more, look over the pieces you already have and make sure you’re displaying them; the wilder the pieces, the better! Pieces with character are going to be way more interesting. If there’s a style you love that you feel is lacking, inject it in your accent pieces. When you travel, look through antique stores and find those hidden gems!

If it’s an important piece, invest in pedestals or glass boxes to show them off. Sculptures and busts are so stately and demand attention- put them on a pedestal to celebrate them; it gives your pieces immediate importance. Park your pedestal in between two windows and notice how quickly they become the center of attention.

Quirky accent chairs don’t have to be the main seating- think of it more like an art piece, especially because they don’t have to match. Three dimensional art that lifts off of a wall will liven up your room; we also use rugs as wall art as well (we put nails right through the rug into the wall)!

Teak root balls are so beautiful and instantly warm up a room and make it feel more organic.

Fun lamps with goofy shades are incredible and one of a kind.

Table torches are so unique and fun.

Railing is such a good way to switch it up and make a home feel like a completely different.

Bar carts are made to be filled with treasures; wether you fill them with fun beverages or put one in a bathroom filled with bath bombs- they can do no wrong.

At the end of the day, it’s all in the details so make sure those pieces speak to who you truly are. Any questions or podcast ideas? Email us at