Spring Cleaning with a Twist

When we hear the words “spring cleaning” many of us associate that with pulling out an old toothbrush and scrubbing grout and crevices for weeks. While it’s nice to get a good deep clean, spring is a great time to evaluate your spaces and re-organize the clutter that has gathered over the holidays. Here are areas I like to focus on.

spring cleaning with a twist | alice lane home collection

spring cleaning with a twist | alice lane home collection

Clean off your kitchen counters. That’s right – everything. It might surprise you how many things have found their way onto them. Stand back and look at the kitchen overall. As you start to put things in place again think, "Less is more." Keep the items useful to a kitchen, and don’t forget to add a bit of life. I love seeing a stack of white dishes, a little Meyer lemon tree by the kitchen window, or a beautiful bowl filled with fruit in the center of the island.

spring cleaning with a twist | alice lane home collection

Style your bookshelves. This can be a very daunting task, but not to fear; it is very achievable. Start by pulling everything away and layering in books. I like to pull the jackets off of my books, and let their colorful bindings show-off. Stack some books vertically; stack some horizontally. Place some framed art, and tuck in a few pieces from collections or travels. Don’t be afraid to leave some breathing room.

spring cleaning with a twist | alice lane home collection

One of my favorite areas to freshen up is my dressing table. If you often find that your jewelry has found its way into little piles, may I suggest a jewelry tree and a few little glass display boxes. It’s great to hang a necklace or separate watches, rings, and earrings into cute little viewable compartments. A leftover hobnail candle jar is perfect for your pens, and my favorite indulgence is fresh flowers. When you can see all of your favorite pieces it’s a dream to get ready in the morning.

My number one tip for freshening up for spring is to start with one area. This is something that I tell my clients all of the time. Don’t spread your time and resources too thin. Pick a space and make a big impact.

natalie | alice lane home collection

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