Vote for Jess - New Trad Designer
Lookie here! Jessica Bennett, Owner & Design Principal of Alice Lane Home, has been nominated as one of Traditional Home's "New Trads." If anyone is deserving of such a title, it's this lady right here. Do something good today and go vote for her HERE: You'll actually earn yourself a voting badge you can be proud of this year!
It's been awhile since we've done any formal introductions around here, so we thought we'd share a little bit about Jess and what makes her tick. You what's her favorite treat? That kind of stuff. We're going deep people!
Q: What's your personal take on design? A: I believe good design improves the function of our spaces, in the most beautiful way imaginable! Before I put my designs in action, I ensure that it’s custom fit and every little part is considered and loved. My work is always so personal. It's thoughtful, collected, and usually some form of transitional style. My team and I are mix masters. We put in all the right ingredients, and then send it through our transitional filter. It must perform well, as well as look good. When it does both, that is design at work! Most importantly, I feel like our designs best represent each of our clients.
Q: What are your proudest accomplishments? A: This past summer our French Moderne Manor home was featured in the Utah Valley Parade of Homes. It was voted Best Home, and also swept the competition in other areas like Best Interior Design, Best Master Suite, and Best Kitchen. This past month, the home was featured on the cover of Utah Style & Design Magazine. Pinch me! It was a huge project, and literally everyone on our staff was needed to complete the project on an accelerated build schedule in order for it to be ready for the parade, be judged, and toured by tens of thousands of people. All of these recent accomplishments take me back to how proud I am of the design program we've built here at Alice Lane Home. Designers, Jr. Designers, Stylists, and Interns - they each play a role in our success. As our company has grown, each member of our team has been able to expand their wings and grow. My mama heart couldn't be more proud of them!
Q: How did you get started in Interior Design? A: I studied Advertising Design at Utah State University. Afterwards I worked as an Art Director and Creative Director for a few advertising firms. It was my love for design that got me a job designing the corporate head quarters for Omniture, a local Software Company. That soon led to designing the executives homes where my design work took off. I opened Alice Lane Home Collection, our home furnishings boutique and interior design firm, in 2008 to make transitional style furnishings more available in Utah. It also allowed me to gain more access and resources to the types of furnishings I was passionate about. Today our firm is working on over 100 design projects with 10 designers on staff, 60 employees over all, and 2 furniture showrooms in Orem and Salt lake City, Utah. Our online home furnishings store will go live this April!
Q: Do you have a favorite design book? A: Yes! ABCDC's is full of basic design tips that everyone should know. I highly recommend it.
Q: And because we really want to know...what's your favorite treat? A: The Kouign Amann pastry from Les Madeleines, a local French bakery here in Salt Lake City. It's to die for! With layers of flaky sweetness, it's a rich, buttery caramelized piece of heaven. If you're ever in the area, you need to try it!
See...she really is awesome! So now you can feel really good about your decision and go VOTE!